Client-server -computing (often abbreviated to client/server), applications store data on a network server (sometimes called the 'back-end'), but execute the business logic on a client device (the 'front-end'). This two-tier model is primarily associated with Windows computing, since it gained popularity as a result of the emergence of desktop PCs and workstations, along with high-speed local area networking (LAN) technologies. Because of the resource overhead of installing the entire application logic on every single client, clent/server is being superseded by multi-tiered models that take advantage of Internet technologies to distribute application logic more efficiently across the network.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking is a method of delivering computer network services in which the participants share a portion of their own resources, such as processing power, disk storage, network bandwidth, printing facilities. Such resources are provided directly to other participants without intermediary network hosts or servers.[1] Peer-to-peer network participants are providers and consumers of network services simultaneously, which contrasts with other service models, such as traditional client-server computing.
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